Your Transformation: Week Four

Welcome to week four! This is an exciting time because you’re almost done with your first twenty-eight days on the Better Body System, so we want to help you get the most out of it.

Here’s your guide to the fourth week of your transformation:

Finish Strong

As you begin your fourth week on the BBS, make sure you pat yourself on the back for what you’ve accomplished thus far. You’ve been working toward optimal health for three weeks now, and that’s definitely something to celebrate!

Week four is an exciting week, so make sure you’re ready to finish your first twenty-eight days on a high note. When you’re close to the finish line, it can be tempting to take your foot off of the gas and coast in. But whether you’ve followed the system perfectly or you’ve encountered a few slip-ups along the way, now is the time to finish strong! You can use these tips to maintain your momentum:

  • Make a commitment to do everything you can to finish on a high note and hold yourself accountable for your decisions.
  • Forget about any slip-ups you’ve had along the way so you can focus on finishing strong.
  • Think about why you decided to transform your life in the first place to stay motivated.
  • Lean on your support system.
  • Remind yourself of how far you’ve come!

By making a commitment to finish strong, you’ll not only make this week a success, but you’ll also carry that momentum moving forward.

What Comes Next?

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about what you want to do when you finish your first twenty-eight days on the BBS. We’ll have a more in-depth post about what comes next at the end of the week, but it’s a good idea to start thinking about your goals now so you’re ready to move forward. For example, have you reached your weight loss goals, or do you want to keep working toward them? Thinking about your goals now will help you transition once you’ve finished this week!

By now, people are noticing your transformation. You’ve probably been asked some questions – now is a great time to share the Better Body System and consider the additional benefits of earning commissions from sharing what you love. 

We hope you’re excited for your fourth week on the Transformation Kit! Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram for more tips, inspiration, and encouragement from the Yoli Community! 

