Yoli Motorcycle Group Annual Charity Ride

We Transform Lives!


We believe in transforming lives physically, emotionally, and financially. We’ll be coming together as motorcyclists and Yoli distributors to raise funds for a great cause.

Join us for 3 days of motorcycling and adventures in Spearfish, South Dakota! There will be something for everyone, so plan on bringing your friends, family, and anyone who enjoys having a good time for a great cause. 

The Yoli Rider’s Group Ride will be
June 22 – 24, 2023, in Spearfish, SD

Check out our 2022 Ride: 


Hotel Group Rate:

We’ll be staying at the Spearfish Holiday Inn. Click here to Book your rooms today:

Group Rate: $139/ night

Use discount code YMG at checkout

This year’s ride features a poker run, dinner & charity auction. All proceeds will be benefitting:

(a portion of the shirt sales proceeds will be donated to the charity)

Thursday 22 June

Everyone to go Mt. Rushmore then Crazy Horse for the morning; Lunch at Black Hills Burgers and Buns; Afternoon in Deadwood and Dinner in Deadwood as a group TBD

Friday 23 June

Morning visit to Rice Motor Sports in Rapid City & then the Rapid City Harley Davidson Dealer; Lunch at YFS in Rapid City, SD followed by a group scenic ride through Iron Mountain Road; Needles Highway and Custer State Park.  Dinner at TBA soon in Custer State park as a group.

Saturday 24 June

Morning visit to Bridal Falls & Devils Bathtub in Spearfish Canyon; Poker run starting at VFW at Noon ending at the Holiday Inn Spearfish followed by our Charity Dinner and Live auction event